Large Structures Seminar: Cordian Riener

This talk is part of the AScI Thematic program "Challenges in Large Geometric Structures and Big Data" seminar. Check out our upcomning talks at

Where: AScI lounge (TUAS 3161)
When: 31.05.2016 @ 16.15
Speaker: Cordian Riener
Title: Cubature on the plane

Let be a positive integer and let be a positive Borel measure on possessing moments up to degree . Every such measure defines a linear from , which can be decomposed into a positive combination of point evaluations, i.e.,

where is a finte set of nodes and are the corresponding weights. Such a decomposition is called a cubature rule for the given measure. We study the question of bounding the minimal number of nodes necessary and give generalizations of the well known Gauß-quadrature on the real line to the two-dimensional case.

In particular, we show that for every there is always a cubature rule with at most many nodes, which is chosen such that its value on a fixed positive definite form of degree is minimized.

(joint work with Markus Schweighofer)